Thursday, January 15, 2009

Spay and Neuter Clinic - Maya's turn

A couple of weeks ago I received this email from a friend:

"In collaboration with Isla Animals, PEACE Mexico and The Hagenbeck Foundation (Dr. Alejandra Lopez), Dr. Delfino Guevera, Dr. Pepe Vega, and PEACE Isla Mujeres we are happy to announce that we will be hosting a free cat and dog spay/neuter clinic on Isla January 5-16th. Our goal is to help to reduce the stray and unwanted animal population by providing free sterilizations for approx. 200 island animals within these two weeks."

The email went on to ask for volunteers for various tasks. I worked the clinic a few years ago while here on vacation and I think we did surgery on about 150 animals over a period of a week. I took quite a few photos of the animals and the volunteers, here is one of my favorites from that clinic in 2001:

The people who work these clinics work incredibly hard; they are doing such a great service for the animals here. I wish I could help but due to work commitments, I am unable to volunteer my time for these clinics. But I can volunteer a patient. Maya is now 3.5 months old and at a good age to be spayed. So this morning we will pack up Maya and take her over to Pepe's clinic and let a team of experts fix her up so she will not add to the over-population problem.

Maya is not impressed with the proceedings so far. She is used to eating and drinking whenever she wants, and the food and water have been in hiding since we went to bed last night. Maya has been trying to open containers and doors to get to some food and water. Poor baby! She doesn't understand this is for her own good.

The other cats are not happy about it either, as they are used to starting to feed at 6 am and it's now 7:30 and there is no food in sight. But relief is coming, we'll head out shortly and when we get back they can resume their normal routine.

It will be interesting to see how everyone behaves when we bring Maya home later today. I am hoping we can keep Maya quiet without having to keep her in a cage, but we'll see. One of her favorite things to do is torment the other animals here, and the surgery may or may not slow her down for a day or so.

I just hope all goes well for our baby and life will be back to normal again in a few days. Normal, that is, for life here at Casa Susana.

1 comment:

Ann said...

Hoping all goes well & she's back bugging all the other animals quickly!